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Mobile Alabama Maritime Injury Lawyer

Nationwide Representation.

At The Maritime Injury Law Firm, our focus is on maritime personal injury law. We protect the rights of injured offshore workers in Mobile, Alabama.

Attorney George Vourvoulias holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree and has 20 years of experience representing maritime workers in the United States. As a result, he genuinely understands the challenges you are facing.

Our team is here to support you as an injured offshore worker in Mobile, Alabama and to help you secure full compensation — we fight for what is yours.

“If you need a maritime injury lawyer who knows his stuff, call George Vourvoulias. He’ll protect you and your family and make sure you’re taken care of when things go wrong."
~ Nate Dugan, Deckhand
“If you need a maritime injury lawyer who knows his stuff, call George Vourvoulias. He’ll protect you and your family and make sure you’re taken care of when things go wrong."
~ Nate Dugan, Deckhand

Offshore workers in Mobile, Alabama have certain rights and protections under Maritime Law

Many crew members injured offshore don’t know that they fall under a special classification under the law -- one that has more protections than any other worker in the U.S.

Unfortunately, insurance adjusters and even some employers try to take advantage of these injured workers and the fact that they don’t know about these protections.

If you are dealing with the aftermath of a maritime injury in Louisiana, here’s what you need to know.
1. Seamen and offshore workers in Mobile Alabama qualify for protection under one of the following maritime laws:
  • The Jones Act, which entitles offshore workers to full compensation for their work-related injuries in addition to maintenance and cure;
  • The Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), which entitles families of offshore workers to compensation in the event of a work-related death; or
  • The Longshore & Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, which entitles shipyard workers to financial compensation for their work-related injuries
2. Additionally, injured seamen and offshore workers may sue the owner of the vessel or the vessel itself for damages related to an unseaworthy condition.
3. Seamen and offshore workers may also sue their employer for damages related to the negligence of another member of the crew causing injury.
4. Lastly, seamen and offshore workers are entitled to periodic payments from their employer for any illness or injury sustained or manifested in service of the ship. These payments are known as “maintenance and cure.”

What is maintenance and cure?

Maintenance is the term for an injured seaman’s living expenses while they recover from their injury at home.

Maintenance covers the cost of necessary expenses of the injured seaman, including:

  • Rent or mortgage
  • Utilities
  • Property taxes
  • Homeowner’s insurance
  • Food

Maintenance does not include telephone bills, internet, car payments, etc.

Cure is the term for the injured seaman's necessary medical expenses, as well as transportation for getting to and from the medical treatment.

The problem arises when an employer refuses to pay enough for full maintenance and cure for their injured worker — or stops payments before the worker reaches what’s known as “maximum medical improvement.”

When that happens, it’s important to contact an experienced maritime injury lawyer as soon as possible.

What is the statute of limitations in maritime law?

The statute of limitations for maritime torts in Alabama and throughout the U.S. is 3 years from either:

  • The date of the injury, or
  • When you become aware of the injury and its cause

Sometimes, employers may promise the injured worker that they will not hold them to the 3-year limit.

If you have been injured offshore and think you have a case, George Vourvoulias can review the facts and help you figure out your next steps.

Louisiana Maritime Injury Lawyer - maritime injury law firm - George Vourvoulias

How The Maritime Injury Law Firm can help

Maritime law is a distinct area of the law, and not all lawyers have experience in the field.

George Vourvoulias does.

With 20 years of experience with maritime injury cases throughout Alabama, George knows the pressures placed upon crew members to work through injuries and illnesses — and how companies try to downplay those injuries and illnesses to trick workers into taking lowball settlements.

At The Maritime Injury Law Firm, we don’t just look at your current losses. We assess the future losses that you could sustain due to the long term effects of what you’re going through and help to make sure you still get the money you would have earned had you not been injured on the job.

With every case we take on, our job is to turn the system around and make it work in favor of the seaman, and to provide justice for hardworking people in need.

Click or call to schedule a free and confidential consultation

How The Maritime Injury Law Firm can help

Maritime law is a distinct area of the law, and not all lawyers have experience in the field.

George Vourvoulias does.

With 20 years of experience with maritime injury cases throughout Alabama, George knows the pressures placed upon crewmembers to work through injuries and illnesses — and how companies try to downplay those injuries and illnesses to trick workers into taking lowball settlements.

At The Maritime Injury Law Firm, we don’t just look at your current losses. We assess the future losses that you could sustain due to the long term effects of what you’re going through and help to make sure you still get the money you would have earned had you not been injured on the job.

With every case we take on, our job is to turn the system around and make it work in favor of the seaman, and to provide justice for hardworking people in need.

Click or call to schedule a free and confidential consultation

Schedule a free and confidential consultation in Mobile, Alabama with The Maritime Injury Law Firm today

We know how dangerous work in the maritime industry can be -- both in the Gulf Coast and beyond. That’s why we dedicate our experience and resources in maritime law to making sure that you receive the full compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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